Youth Ministry

At St. Luke’s, the Jr. High LYO (Lutheran Youth Organization) includes students in grades 6 and 7 and the Sr. High LYO includes students in grades 8 through 12. The LYO meets weekly in its own area within St. Luke’s Education Building.

We strive to keep our youth strong for Jesus through searching, serving, and fun. We do our searching at meetings which help them learn more about their Christianity through discipleship and games. Our serving comes through projects both in the church (such as car washes & helping at church events) and through community outreach projects (such as assisting at local food pantries) as well as organized Mission Trips. We have fun by playing games at our meetings, day trips, camping trips, and attending organized retreats. We always welcome kids’ friends and other new faces to join with us.

LYO is where teens learn about the Bible and books within the Bible, all while growing closer to God.  There is nothing better than hanging out in a supportive environment while exploring what living faith for young people in a modern world looks like.

The LYO is largely self-supporting, holding a variety of fundraisers and participate in many charitable events:

  • The 30-hour famine which raises money for people that don’t have enough food to eat.
  • The annual week long mission trip, traveling near and far to offer a hand to those in need.
  • Dinners for the church like our famous Texas Chili Night.
  • Lock-in’s to help raise funds.
  • Volunteering for the Daily Bread Community Food Pantry in Collegeville.

Check out our Events tab for upcoming events.  For more information contact us at


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We Invite You to Enjoy Our Youth Christmas Program

2023 Graduates

St. Luke’s is proud to present the 2023 Graduates. Please extend your prayers and well wishes to the following students:

Nicholas Gehringer
Graduate of Boyertown Area High School
Nick will be attending Penn State’s main campus to major in mechanical Engineering.

Logan Greer
Graduate of Methacton High School
Logan will be attending Montgomery County Community College to major in Engineering

Joshua Ross
Graduate from the University of Pennsylvania’s Bachelor of Engineering, concentrating in Aerospace.
Josh accepted a position at Lockeed Martin Space Program. Josh will also attend University of Pennsylvania’s Mechanical Engineering program, concentrating in heat transfer, fluid dynamics, and propulsion.

Courtney Stenn
Graduate of Temple University’s Bachelor of Arts in Communications of Science and Disorders
Courtney will attend Moravian University’s Master of Science Program for Speech Language Pathology

Sydney Jordan
Graduate of Penn State’s Bachelor of Biology
Sydney is pursuing a career in a science laboratory setting

Courtney Bauer
Graduate of Penn State University with a degree in Pharmacology and Toxicology.
She is starting her career at Eurofins in Lancaster.

Mission Trips

2022 Mission Trip

The St. Luke’s Lutheran Youth Organization (LYO) and leaders had a wonderful time in San Juan, PR, during the 2022 Mission Trip. For several years, St. Luke’s LYO has requested to explore international locations. This year, we were finally able to do so.

Although Puerto Rico is a United States territory, it is listed as an international site for Group Missions. During this week-long event, St. Luke’s youth and leaders strengthened their relationship with Jesus, worked hard, explored unfamiliar lands, embraced new cultures, and learned about cross-cultural sensitivity. This expanded on the youth’s interest in exploring and spreading love globally. Our team of 6 repaired, painted, and cleaned homes. We revitalized landscapes for residents and in a school that will now be used to host incoming Group Missions volunteers. The small town of Cayey, PR, was devastated by Hurricane Maria and still has a lot of work needed to repair homes and businesses.

Youth and leaders were exposed to poverty, devastation, and beauty that God has provided in nature and people. This mission trip empowered the youth to step out of their comfort zone and gain cultural fluency. LYO and leaders built critical thinking skills and expanded our worldview by exploring new things, from food to languages to traditions. This experience may open a door that creates excitement in meeting people in our hometown who may be different, whether in an academic, professional, or social setting. We may be more inclined to want to learn about the background of others and appreciate the uniqueness in ourselves and others. The youth are now excited to learn a new language (especially Spanish) and want to incorporate Spanish conversation in our Sunday School lessons.

Through this excursion, the team has built connections in an unlikely opportunity. Having friends with a different worldview can help the youth and leaders expand their knowledge. For example, we learned about the devastation of Hurricane Maria on the families we served, what Puerto Rico being a U.S. territory actually means, lived experiences of Cuban residents, and the challenges faced by expats from across the globe.  This mission trip created a newfound sense of confidence because attendees were challenged by navigating life outside of our comfort zone. We gained a new sense of accomplishment when we learned to do new things and succeed at them: whether was exploring an unfamiliar city that speaks a different language, finishing a difficult job, communicating despite language barriers, discovering a new transportation route, or embracing how differently people live.

In addition to the excitement, lessons, and personal development obtained, we also have developed a relationship with the Coordinator, who is now familiar with St. Luke’s, our physical needs, and the families on the ground, specifically in Latin America. He has offered to coordinate all of our service efforts independently, which would eliminate the registration fee. We learned and experienced invaluable lessons, shared our hearts, and conducted challenging work in our small group of 6. So, I am pleased to report that as we are now considering Costa Rica for the 2023 mission trip, our group has expanded to 13 interested participants.

Most importantly, we would like to thank all of you for your continued support in youth fundraisers, prayers, and words of encouragement. We could not achieve this invaluable mission each year without you.

2021 Mission Trip

The St. Luke’s Lutheran Youth Organization (LYO) and leaders had a wonderful time in Huntington, WV during the 2021 Mission Trip. Our team of 9, were joined by 154 missionaries from across the country. Participants repaired 25 homes in the small town, with jobs like porch repairs, painting, and roofing. We were delighted to connect with St. Luke’s youth as we worked on a single home and garage together.

During this week-long event St. Luke’s youth and leaders strengthened their relationship with Jesus, established new friendships, were inspired to work hard, and completed projects that benefited people in need.

2019 Mission Trip

Twenty members of the LYO and leaders visited Dexter, Maine from July 21-27 to embark on the annual mission trip. We were excited to welcome 4 new mission trip attendees. This year, 400 volunteers were welcomed with open arms. The community hosted a celebration with food, music, and kayaks to show appreciation for our young missionaries.

>During this adventure, the youth and leaders were blessed by building new friendships, strengthening seasoned friendships, all while doing God’s work.  The mission trip the team was Relentless in their mission to complete their duties of repairing houses, building porches, fixing garages, painting homes and sheds.

Click HERE to watch the video!