st lukes lutheran blog

Pastor’s Corner September 2019

Happy September!!  We often speak of September as the time when things “get back to normal”.  School is back in session, vacations have most likely happened and are now just wonderful memories, we settle back into whatever passes for routine in our lives, and we feel like we’re back on an even keel. Here at…

pastor paul's blog st lukes Lutheran church

Pastor’s Corner June 2019

For many folks, summer is a time for traveling.  Whether that means going down the shore, or up to the Pocono’s, or somewhere further afield, summer is a time to travel.  I know my family and I are looking forward to our vacation this summer. But for the last nearly 20 years, youth and adults…

Pastor Paul's Blog St Lukes lutheran church

Pastor’s Corner December 2018

My wife and I were shopping at Plow and Hearth on Nov. 10th, looking for birthday presents for our sister-in-law. As we shopped, we both noticed that the music playing in the store was Dean Martin singing “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”, or as Deano sang it, “Rudy the Red-beaked Reindeer”. We both commented about how…

st lukes lutheran blog

Pastor’s Corner November 2018

Two of the most powerful words in the whole of the English language are “thank you”. They are also two of the easiest words to both say and mean. Saying thank you, being thankful, offering thanks, having an attitude of gratitude, however you think about it, it is something we can and should do regularly…

pastor paul's blog st lukes Lutheran church

Pastor’s Corner June 2018

The “green season” is more officially known as The Sundays of Ordinary Time, or, in the old days, The Sundays after Pentecost. That second one, Sundays after Pentecost, was nice, because it kind of, sort of, kept us focused on Pentecost. It kind of, sort of, kept us focused on the Holy Spirit, and on…

st lukes lutheran blog

Pastor’s Corner May 2018

And then, the 50th day happened, and suddenly, this little, inconsequential group was a mighty force, a rapidly growing movement that would, within a few years, be spreading in every direction, into every known place. Thousands and thousands of people would be converting to this new faith, thousands and thousands of people from all walks…

pastor paul's blog st lukes Lutheran church

Pastor’s Corner for April 2018

Happy Easter!!!! The Lord is risen!!! He is risen indeed!!!!!! What? You think that just because Easter was April 1st, that now Easter is over? Not so fast! Easter continues on well past Easter Sunday. The season of Easter continues for 50 days, all the way until the Festival of Pentecost. 50 days of continuing…