Virtual Tea Time Devotion

Tea Time Devotion is intended to make spending time with the Lord a special occasion-as if your dearest friend is coming to visit! The readings and recipes are blended with Scripture and prayer to meet you wherever you are in your relationship with God. These tea times will refresh, renew, and prepare you to share…

Lenten Services

This year’s Lenten Services will focus on Community. Lenten Services runs from 2/24 until 3/24 at 7 pm. March 24th at 7:00 pm Zoom Information: Zoom link: Meeting ID: 856 888 7780 Password: 1234 Mid Week Lent Service Prayers & Introductions

Gift Card Sale

The Missions Committee is selling ShopWithScrip Gift cards again this year to benefit their ongoing activities.  There are three ways to purchase gift cards: 1) Use the enclosed form and return to Connie Panepinto by December 13th with payment. 2) Shop Online at  Set up an account and start shopping.  Seamlessly check out by…

Christmas Eve Service – CANCELLED

****CANCELLED**** We will have three Christmas Eve services this year, at 4:00 PM, 6:00 PM, and 8:00 PM. Reservations will be required for these services, so that we can avoid turning away people at the door on Christmas Eve. We will start taking reservation on November 30 at 8:00 AM. The process will be announced…

Poinsettia Sale – CANCELLED

Poinsettia Sale – ***CANCELLED*** Poinsettias are now for sale for the Christmas Eve service. The cost is $7.00 per plant and they are available in red or white. Click on the button below to print out the order form. The deadline for orders is December 6. Poinsettia Order Form